Monday, January 27, 2014

Voices from the Past

To be honest there is no particular order to the poems that I post. These pieces lie stacked in a plastic box at my house or are bound in journals that I have bought through the years for the very purpose of filling them with poetry. What I have been doing is what became the genesis of this blog...I take the top poem from the stack and type it into a file on my computer. I make notes of the date written and any other information that they bring back to mind (which is surprising in its amount).

At any rate....this is the second poem that I had published. It dates back to the early 1970's. Life was pretty difficult in those days, and the writings of the time reflect that.

Here it is....from somewhere around 40 years ago...

I Am Hurt

I am hurt,
Bleed my heart,
Drain your sorrows.
The sting of bitter hurt burns
As no flame can.

There is no mending of the wound,
I know I shall die soon.
All these things I shall never see again
Was my life loss or gain?

Love hath forsaken me
Burn, lonely heart, burn.
Taste the bitter sweet of my death

Life has had its turn.

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