Wednesday, September 20, 2017

This is Love

I may not have posted anything here in a while, but I have kept busy writing. Here is one of the newest additions to the stack. 

This is Love

Remind me
That every failure
Every stumble
Is making me
Into a reflection of You

When I’m on my face
You don’t name me
Or turn Your eyes
From me

I so often wander
From the safety of Your side
Unaware of hidden snares
But your eye never leaves me
Your arms ready to receive me
When I find my way back home

You do not judge
Even tho it’s Your right
Choosing to love me instead
Ignoring my unworthiness
You make me whole again
This is love.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Easter 2017

If you are one of the thirteen regular readers of this hot mess you know that I have expressed my hesitancy in writing about my faith many times. It's not that I'm ashamed or unappreciative...I'm certain that I'm not very good at it.

But that doesn't keep me from trying. He's the latest addition to the stack:

For Me

Beyond recognition. 
Hung naked,
Ridiculed and shamed.
This was the cost of love.

Nails tearing
into flesh,
Blood falling 
to the ground,
Yet He spoke forgiveness.

Death and darkness,
A cold tomb.
The weight of 
a separation 
never before known.

Large stones and
the power of Rome
fall before the power 
of the empty tomb.
Love lives!

Forgiveness required
so great a cost.
Willingly paid
by the Son of God
even if I'd been the only one.

Sunday, February 5, 2017



What has become
Of your people?
Saltless salt,
Hidden lamps.
Playing games
With sin.

Your body broken,
Blood shed.
A greater love
Never seen before or since.
Treated as is

Sleeping giants
These self-satisfied saints,
Frozen in their

Stir us, Father,
Move me,
Smug and satisfied
I no longer want to be.
May Your heart

Be mine. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Top Ten Signs You May Be a Baptist

Top Ten Signs You May Be a Baptist

10. Everyone church member serves on at least three committees.

9. You’ve been a member for twenty years but are still referred to as “that new

8. You have two opinions on everything: and they’re both right.

7. Your idea of excitement in worship is standing for more than two hymns in       worship.

6. You think the national bird should be the fried chicken.

5. Any Sunday you beat the Methodist’s to Picadilly’s is considered a sign of         God’s favor.

4. You’re in favor of replacing the grape juice and cracker in the Lord’s Supper   with sweet tea and corn bread.

3. You’ve ever called Chick-fil-A “Jesus Chicken.”

2. You prefer the bulletin be printed in King James English.

1. Heaven will be an eternal pot-luck and every seat will be on the back row.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


As some of you may be aware, Lyndra and I became grandparents last year. I never imagined what that would mean and can't really come up with words to describe the experience. We love our kids, all 5,385,613 of them....but there's something special about grandkids. 

Thinking of my grandson, I wrote this today.


From the moment 
I first saw you
My heart was yours

The tiniest of fingers
Toes and nose
I couldn't love you more

Tears flowed freely
From joy
A love like I've never known

But my joy 
Is by sadness tempered
For I know what awaits

Wounds of flesh and heart
Broken hearts and second place
The things that make up life

If I could save you 
From what's to come I would 
But I can't

But I will love you
Through all those days 
And more. 

Jan. 3, 2017