Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Meditations

It seems no matter how much I want to post regularly to this blog I just can't get it done. It's not that I don't have source material....I've barely scratched the surface of all that I've written. I guess I' write more if I thought it was any good.

But I do appreciate the four of you who stop by to read these.

Today's post is from Christmas Eve 2013.


I was lost in darkness
Knowing only despair
Alone and wounded
Battered by a world
That wanted only
To hurt me more

But God had other plans
He set out to save me
Worthless as I was
No price would be too great
To bring me home
Safe in his arms

The Son
Left glory and
Wonder beyond compare
He came to earth
To a man like me

Little child
Heaven’s King
Sleeping ‘neath the stars
A life to come
A cross to bear

A death to die for me.

December 24, 2013